• Benchmark your Design Team

    Benchmark your Design Team

    As part of my research, I’ve been diving into the topic of how you can benchmark your design team. After all having a solid understanding of your status-quo is necessary to know where you should improve. 

  • Book Review: Design Leadership Chronicles

    Book Review: Design Leadership Chronicles

    When I first picked up Marzia Aricò’s recent book Design Leadership Chronicles, I was intrigued by its unique format—a graphic novel exploring design leadership through case studies. I was curious to see how she’d translate complex leadership topics into a visual narrative. Spoiler: it works surprisingly well.

  • A Strategy for Your Design Team

    A Strategy for Your Design Team

    Leading a design team is a complex, multifacetted task. The Design Leadership Framework describes five key areas that design leaders have to address to build a company’s design capability: Strategy, Experience, Operations, Enterprise and Team. In this article we will take a closer look at the area of Strategy.

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