In my individual coaching sessions, I help Design Leaders to develop a compelling strategy for themselves or for their team that focusses on the right initiatives. This will enable you to scale and improve your design team and professionalize the team’s work. 

The Design Leadership Coaching is following a structured approach that walks through several steps. We will use the design leadership framework as a reference for assessment and discussion throughout the entire coaching.

people in a meeting

Coaching Topics

These are typical topics from strategy coaching, wether it is about developing a new strategy for you as a leader or for your design team.

  • Current challenges and pain points
  • Influencing factors, e.g. company strategy, trends, expectations
  • Vision and Goals
  • Develop and prioritise a strategy
  • Develop a roadmap
  • Role and Responsibility
  • How to approach Change
  • Communicating with Stakeholders
  • Best Practices and Practical Tipps

What you will receive

  • Individual coaching sessions allocated over several adjustable steps
  • Coaching sessions with variable lengths from 1-3 hours depending on what we want to achieve
  • Expert input and best practices for your individual challenges
  • Self-study material about the Design Leadership Framework

In a 30 min introduction call we will find out what is your focus and you will receive an individual coaching offer, tailored to your goals and budget.


  • Coaching takes place online (eg. via Zoom or tool of your choice) 
  • We use Miro as the online collaboration space e.g. for virtual post-its
  • Ideally the coaching program is completed over the course of 4-6 weeks
  • Sessions can be in German or English

What others say

“Thank your for the coaching sessions, we took a lot with us and have a lot to work with now!”

Design Leader, Software Company, Berlin

“Coaching helped us to broaden our horizon and to develop an objective view on our team. We need to focus more and take the strategic topics more seriously.”

Design Leader, Agency, Hamburg

“I was very happy about the impulses I got during the coaching. I understood that I have many possibilities. This will positively influence my next steps!”

UX Lead, Agency, Niedersachsen